Dean Oberin, American Hotel, Echuca.

Dean Oberin, American Hotel, Echuca

I can recommend the services of Evolve3 for any business owner who wants to see their operating standards, profits, staff and business grow and improve. I have known Ben Walter professionally for over 20 years, in his capacity as a chef, leadership trainer and management consultant. Chris Lambert for the last 12 years in his leadership training, coaching and consulting roles. Both Ben and Chris have a proven track record working with many of Australia’s leading hospitality venues and companies during their long association with Eldred Hospitality.

Ben Walter and Chris Lambert are experts as operational hospitality managers, accomplished consultants, skilled recruiters and world-class workshop facilitators. Over the years that I’ve known these gents, I’ve regularly used their suite of services and the results in my business speak for themselves.

My hospitality business, the award-winning American Hotel in Echuca, was not performing at optimal efficiency. With the calm guidance and coaching of Ben, Chris and their team we enjoyed the benefits of a full overhaul of our recruitment and selection, staff development, communication and leadership, profit maximisation and cost control methods.

The results meant that I was able to extract myself from the ‘day to day’ operations of the core business and begin to properly invest my time in the exploration of new business opportunities.

This was only possible with the support, mentoring and coaching me and my team received, leading to the development of properly functioning business systems. Ben and Chris have the human experiences and abilities in hospitality management to have the creditability and staff ‘buy in’ to ensure my team ‘got on board’ and continued developing themselves and the business.

Today we’re a self-fulfilling business model that has experienced sustainable expansion – three additional hospitality businesses, a dynamic work culture and continual improvement ethos of our people, product and guest experiences.

If you need to evolve your business and your people, give Ben and Chris at Evolve3 a call.