How to recruit the right people for your business.

When you recruit you have a rare chance to select the best talent and only hire people who are better than the staff they replace. Here are some tips on how to recruit and select people who are stable and well suited to their jobs.

1. Get clear about what the job involves and consider the attributes needed to succeed in it. Well written position descriptions and selection criteria will help you make better hiring decisions.

2. Write job ads that will appeal to the needs of quality candidates rather than your own needs. Ask yourself, why should a superstar ignore other work opportunities and apply for the role I’m hiring for? The answer to that question should be spelled out clearly in your job ads. A strong ad will attract more candidates which gives you more options.

3. Prepare interview questions that will help you identify if the job fits the candidate and whether the candidate fits the job – in that order. A careful interview can save you months of stress when you consider the cost of giving a job to the wrong person. Think about the difference between a front of house team member who likes selling and one who doesn’t. The difference can mean 25% in increased sales from the former. Consider the difference between a chef who is skilled in food cost control and one who has no idea. It could translate to a 5-10% difference in your food costs. What would that be worth to you?

4. Just as you wouldn’t buy a second hand car without finding out about it’s service history, you shouldn’t hire a person without listening to what their previous employer has to say about their work performance. It’s naive to take what a candidate says in an interview on face value without cross-checking. A good set of reference checking questions will enable you to fact-check what a candidate has claimed about themselves before you offer them a job.

If you’d like to find out more about getting cost effective recruitment support and training, get in touch.


Chris Lambert